The Most Unusual Places in the World You Won’t Believe Are Located on Our Planet

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Looking at these photos, it is difficult to imagine that everything that is depicted on them is a creation of nature and is on our planet. We offer you to verify this personally by planning a trip to one of the incredible places on our list.

Pamukkale, Turkey

Pamukkale  is consistently present in numerous ratings of the most beautiful places on Earth and it absolutely deserves. This is a series of thermal springs that have fantastically carved “steps” in a snow-white limestone slope. Today, not only travelers who come to see the miracle of nature come here, but also those whose goal is to improve their health, and they are happy to immerse themselves in shallow travertines. Among the open for swimming, one of the most popular is the “Cleopatra's Pool”.

 Waitomo Caves, New Zealand

Waitomo Caves in the Waikato region of  New Zealand are quite interesting : here you can observe the intricate limestone growths and bizarre passages created many centuries ago. But what makes them truly unique and worth seeing is the "inhabitants" of the Glowworm Cave. These are thousands of mushroom mosquitoes, which, accumulating on its arches, create the effect of "starry sky".

 Retba Lake, Senegal

Going to Senegal, it is worth understanding that there are so many colorful sights there that it is unlikely to be able to visit all at once. But what is definitely worth your attention is the mysterious “pink lake” Retba - one of the most beautiful places on Earth. It looks exactly like a picture from a children's book - snow-white shores and pink water. The oldest cyanobacteria living in the salt lake are responsible for such an unusual color.

Dragon Trees on Socotra Island, Yemen

If you have a sort of Indiana Jones inside yourself, who likes unexplored lands, you have a direct route to one of the most unusual places in Yemen - Socotra Island. A characteristic feature of the trees growing here is the allocated juice of bright red color. Having made an incision in the bark, you can see how the Dragon Tree begins to “bleed”.

Son Doong Cave, Vietnam

Located in the Vietnamese province of Quangbin, the Shondong cave is considered the largest in the world. Here you can see passages up to 200 meters high and up to 150 meters wide.

In addition, travelers are delighted with the underground river, as well as the plants under the holes in the arches of the cave, because of which sunlight breaks in. To see the cave, head to the Fongnia Kebang National Park.

Uyuni salt flats, Bolivia

Listing the most unusual places in the world, it is impossible not to call  the Salar de Uyuni. The natural pearl of Bolivia, Uyuni is the salt marsh, that is, a dried-up salt lake. It becomes a real miracle of nature in the rainy season. Covered with a thin layer of water, the salty surface turns into the largest natural mirror in the world. On a fine day, this “mirror” reflects a clear Bolivian sky - the perfect backdrop for a photo.

Locals claim that February is the best time to visit the salt marsh, but in autumn and spring this unique place is also very beautiful.

Colorful dunes in Lassen Park, USA

This multi-colored geological formation has earned the glory of an unearthly place  and one of the most beautiful places in the world. Dunes are located at the cone of an ancient sleeping volcano in the Lassen National Park.

Their unusual coloring appeared due to the oxidation of ash, which settled directly on the lava flows during the eruption.

Geyser Fly, USA

America is very rich in its natural resources, and therefore the most unusual places in the world can be found in the United States. The American artificial geyser Fly would be more correctly called a permanent thermal source, because one of the signs of a geyser is inconstancy. It appeared as a result of human activity.

Once a well was drilled at this place,  after it ceased to function, natural reactions began underground that led to the formation of this miracle.

Giants Causeway, Ireland

This Irish sightseeing  also appeared due to volcanic interference. Thanks to the eruption that happened many centuries ago, 40,000 basalt columns appeared here, leaving the sea, like steps for a real giant.

In addition to, actually, walking along the columns, it will also be interesting to climb up and view the picturesque panorama. Moreover, there is the opportunity to rent a bike and ride on an equipped route through the surrounding area.