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Karabakh... Our native land, which has always been distinguished by its nature, air, water, heroic sons and courageous population.

Soon the yearning for Karabakh will end. In the near future, we will organize tours to Karabakh! In the meantime, we invite you to take a look at the most beautiful places and sights of Karabakh.


Jydyr Plain is one of the most beautiful places in Shusha, the pearl of our Karabakh, a charming land reflecting the unique beauty of Azerbaijani nature, material and cultural heritage, ancient customs and traditions of our people.

This place, which made Shusha so famous, as the name suggests, is the place where horse races were held historically and the local Turks celebrated Novruz since the days of the Karabakh Khanate.

At the same time, many national folk games were held here - wrestling, running, archery. The winners were sometimes awarded gold coins, sometimes grain, wheat, etc.

The first fact confirming the belonging of the plain to Azerbaijan is the construction of a fortress here by order of Panahali Khan.

Later, this place attracted tourists from all over Azerbaijan, as well as the then USSR. Whoever comes to Karabakh will definitely visit Jydyr Plain. The western part of "Jydyr Plain" consists of 3 hills located one after another, which are called "Uchmykh". At that time, tourists who were resting in sanatoriums and rest houses could not hide their admiration for the beauty of Shusha nature.

Before the occupation of Shusha, the Khari-Bulbul festival was organized annually in May on the plain. Many singers from Karabakh at the beginning of the century became famous for their performances at Jydyr Plain.

We hope that Shusha, the pearl of Azerbaijan and its symbol - Jydyr Plain, will soon be among the lands liberated from the occupation by the mighty Azerbaijani army, and news of victory will soon appear!


This place with an altitude of 3700 meters is a beautiful mountain range of Azerbaijan and is of great strategic importance.

Murov is a mountain range 10 km wide and 70 km long on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

On the northeastern slope of the Murovdag ridge, there is a group of picturesque lakes, among which one of the most beautiful in the Caucasus is Lake Goygol.

The battle that took place at the end of the previous Karabakh war is considered one of the bloodiest battles in the history of the Karabakh war. Because many of our soldiers died in the Murovdag operation.

Therefore, the top of this mountain, which is one of the symbols of Azerbaijan, was sometimes called the peak of longing.

As a result of the capture of these heights by the armed forces of Armenia, the Kelbajar region came under the control of hated enemies.

But this melancholy, this occupation ended on September 27, 2020 as a result of the successful operation of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan. The peak of Murov was liberated from the occupation!


The village of Dudukchu is named after the families of the Turkic clan Dudukchu who settled in these areas. Its former name was Kolatag.

It was occupied by the Armenian armed forces on October 2, 1992, was released from occupation by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces on October 15, 2020.

The village is said to be home to a church built during the reign of Nadir Shah Afshar (1743) and a cemetery dating back to the Karabakh khanate.

The photos reflect the mysterious nature of the village. We will see it live soon!


This year,  Independence Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan has become more memorable. Because on the way to the integrity of our lands, another glorious page of the war for rights began, and liberation from the Armenian occupation was inscribed in the history of Azerbaijan. After 27 years of anguish, the Azerbaijani flag was raised again over the Khudaferin Bridge in Jabrail.

Let's take a look at this famous Bridge of Longing:

The Khudaferin Bridge was built in 1027 by Fazl ibn Muhammad, ruler of the Shaddadids, to fight the Ravvadids.

The bridge, which is a unique architectural monument, is made in the style of the Azerbaijani school of architecture. Although part of it was blown up during the march of Aga Muhammad Shah Qajar to Azerbaijan, it was later restored. Part of the bridge built on natural rocks has survived.

It should be noted that this bridge is located on the Great Silk Road.

Calling this area "a wonderful river", Yagut Hamavi writes: "There are a thousand cities along the Araz."

Jafar Giyasi notes that although the number of cities is exaggerated, both banks of the Araz have been covered with a dense network of settlements since ancient times. The geographical position of this inner river of Azerbaijan is such that it divides the country from west to east and divides it into two parts. For these reasons, many bridges were built across the Araz.

Khudaferin bridges are outstanding architectural monuments and witnesses of the historical past of Azerbaijan. They have attracted the attention of historians and travelers for several centuries, and were one of the main nodes of the Great Silk Road.


One of the places we have been waiting for the release for years is Argunesh.

Argunesh is located on the territory of the Khirmanjig village of the Khojavend region. This place has a height of 1468 m and is a military-strategic height.

The oronym "Argunesh" consists of the words "ar" and "sun".

The explanation of this oronym, presented in toponymic literature as Argunash, is as follows:

"The mountain is so named because it is taller than the nearest mountains, and the sun's rays fall directly on the top of the mountain."


Panahali Khan, who laid the foundation for the Karabakh Khanate, decides to build a strong fortress in a favorable, from a strategic point of view, place to protect against the expected threat from Iran. This castle was also supposed to become the central fortress of the khanate. For this purpose, he chose a place near a spring, 10 km from Aghdam at the foot of the mountains. The construction of the Shahbulag fortress here was beneficial in all respects. Or rather, it was safe. According to historians, the construction of this fortress, which was supposed to become the center of the khanate, was completed in 1751-1752. Residential buildings, a bathhouse, a mosque and a market were built inside the Shahbulag castle.

The Shahbulag fortress was surrounded by high walls. The building looked great. Panahali Khan lived here with his family, relatives, great masters and scientists.


The great French writer Alexander Dumas, who called the Caucasus "the cradle of humanity", in his work "Caucasus" stressed that Azerbaijan, its nature and people left a deep mark in his heart and he noted: "What if I was lucky enough to visit these places again?”.

The miracle of the nature of Azerbaijan is the Istisu mineral waters, which come out of the depths of the earth and is considered a cure for thousands of diseases. The Kelbajar region of the Republic of Azerbaijan, where mineral waters come out, is considered one of the largest regions of this country. Nature has endowed Kelbajar with life-giving water, which is one of the thousands of benefits known in the world and, as healing, has brought back to life a million people.

Istisu is located in the western part of Kelbajar, on the slope of the mountain ranges. The village of Istisu in the Kelbajar region is located at an altitude of 2225 meters above sea level. Back in Soviet times, in 1928, a sanatorium was created at the Istisu spring with famous mineral waters. The mineral water resources of Istisu and the Istisu sanatorium are known all over the world.

Mineral springs were formed in 1138 near the city of Ganja of Azerbaijan as a result of a strong earthquake, from which cracks were formed. In terms of its chemical composition and physical properties, these waters are similar to the well-known springs of Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic) and are unique in the world in other properties.


Located in Shusha, in the Dashalty gorge, Chatyr waterfall is also known as Shir-shir waterfall because of the unique sound generated by the water. The water flowing from the waterfall overflows into the Dashalty river. In the near future we will avenge the betrayal that caused the failure of the Dashalta operation, the betrayal that resulted in the martyrdom and disappearance of about 100 Azerbaijani sons on January 26, 1992, and we will organize very interesting tours to our Shusha.


Aghdam Juma Mosque was built by the architect Karbalayi Safikhan Garabaghi in the years 1868-1870.

Proceeding with the tradition of Juma Mosques with two minarets widespread in medieval Azerbaijani architecture, the architect Karbalayi Safikhan Garabaghi created the original type of mosque - Aghdam Juma Mosque in accordance with the call of his times, also architecture and construction experience of Karabakh. 

In July, 1993, like other buildings, Juma Mosque became a victim of Armenian vandalism and was demolished during the occupation of Aghdam.