The Most Unusual Parks in the World

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Nature is the best artist, but sometimes people interfere in her plan, and thanks to such a union, amazing places appear. We offer you a selection of the most unusual parks in the world.

 200 Buddhas  Park, Laos

200 Buddhas Park was created by one of the religious leaders of Laos Bunlya Sulitat. The park is amazing: over 200 sculptures of Buddhas, snakes, gods and heroes of Hindu and Buddhist mythology are collected in a relatively small area. It is amazing that each hero carved in stone has its own expression on his face. Absolutely all the statues are worked out to the smallest detail. The height of some statues reaches 20 m, and some in height do not exceed the growth of a five-year-old child.

In addition to statues, it has picturesque ponds, manicured flowerbeds, as well as a glass sphere open to visitors, where the embalmed body of the creator of the park, Bunlya Sulitata, rests.

Green Lake, Austria

This park, located in the Austrian town of Tragoess, is surprising primarily because in winter it is an ordinary park with flowerbeds, alleys, groves. People come here to sit on comfortable benches, have a picnic and enjoy the stunning views of the mountains and the lake, the water in which has an unusual green hue. But in the summer the lake spills, and the water level in it rises from two meters to ten. Then the park is flooded and completely hides under water.

And then divers from all over the world come here. Perhaps this is the only place in the world where you can see the familiar world under water. So it remains until winter comes again.

Garden of Cosmic Speculation, Scotland

According to the plan of the creators of the park, the spouses Charles Jenks and Maggie Cheswick, this place should give visitors an idea of the Universe and the place of man in it, as well as the fact that all modern science is nothing more than a step in the process of learning something completely unusual. There are no familiar flower beds or convenient paths in the park. But there are completely futuristic objects like the unusual shape of artificial hills, bridges, stairs. Everything is so harmonious that aluminum sculptures of the most bizarre shape perfectly fit into the surrounding landscape.

A visitor can even get into a “black hole” or find himself in a Klein bottle, reflect on complex mathematical formulas or wander inside fractals. From a bird's eye view, all the artificial objects of the park are a complete picture. This is one of those amazing man-made places on planet Earth that are definitely worth a visit.

Keukenhof Flower Park, Netherlands

Keukenhof is world famous primarily because of the huge fields of tulips growing on its territory. Over 32 varieties of these flowers grow on 32 hectares. Of course, in addition to tulips, other flowers grow in the park: lilac, orchids, roses, lilies. In the spring, more than 800 thousand tourists come to visit the park.

Francisco Alvarado Park, Costa Rica

This park is a real miracle of landscape design. Walking along its paths, you will see elephants, monkeys and other animals made of live cypress. But the main thing in the park is the mystical labyrinth of living plants: countless green arches hang over visitors, fancifully interlacing paths stretch underfoot, and along the way there will be many surprises - which is only a gigantic figure of a sleeping woman, whose body and face are carved from moss-covered stones .

Miracle Garden in the middle of the desert

After a visit to Dubai Miracle Garden, the aftertaste and delight remain for a long time. It is easy to guess how this picturesque oasis appeared in the middle of a waterless desert - it is all about modern technology. Engineers have created a unique underground irrigation system that brings moisture and fertilizer to the roots using special droppers.

45 million flowers grow in the garden, striking the imagination with a wealth of colors and shapes - columns, towers and statues are made of them. One of the flower walls with a length of 800 meters and a height of 3 km fell into the Guinness Book of Records. There is also a flower pyramid 10 meters high, a flower clock with a diameter of 15 meters, buildings with walls made of flowers, flower arches, mills, boats and cars decorated with flowers. If you visit the butterfly garden located here, you will not only see bright and spectacular beauties from Africa, Asia and South America, but also touch them with your hands.

If there is a paradise on earth, then it certainly looks like the Dubai Miracle Garden!